1.2.5. Inference Node

This node processes data serialized as Inference Data Type. Upon receiving the data, it computes the inference and produces an output in the form of Inference Solution Data Type, which is then sent back to the requester. Synchronous

This node requires active user interaction to perform its tasks. When calling process_inference, the method will block and wait for incoming data, only completing once the result is sent back. Users can utilize the request_inference method from Edge Node to submit new data. The thread invoking this method will remain blocked until the entire process is completed and the Inference result is received from the responsible Inference Node. By destroying the node every internal entity is correctly destroyed. Steps

  • Instantiate the Inference Node creating an object of this class with a name.

  • Wait for the data by calling process_inference.

  • Return the inference as an InferenceSolutionDataType.

// Create a new Inference Node
auto node = eprosima::amlip::InferenceNode("My_Inference_Node");

// Create a callback to process data and return the inference
auto engine_routine = []( const eprosima::amlip::types::InferenceDataType& dataset){
    eprosima::amlip::types::InferenceSolutionDataType inference;
    // Do some code that calculates the inference
    return inference;

// Wait for 1 task from any client and answer it with process_inference callback
node.process_inference(engine_routine); Asynchronous

User can use method request_inference from Edge Node to send new data. Due to being asynchronous, multiple requests can be sent without waiting for the previous one to finish. The solution will be sent back to the user through the listener. By destroying the node every internal entity is correctly destroyed. Steps

  • Instantiate the Asynchronous Inference Node creating an object of this class with a name, a listener or callback and a domain.

  • Wait for the data by calling run.

def process_inference(
    # Do some code that calculates the inference
    return inference_solution

def main():

    # Create a new Async Inference Node
    node = AsyncInferenceNode(


    # Wait until Ctrl+C
