3. Docker image

A pre-compiled image of the AML-IP is not available at this stage. However, there is a Dockerfile available to create your own Docker image here.

This image is installed with an AML-IP that is able to run demo nodes.

3.1. Getting the Dockerfile

Download the AML-IP repository.

git clone https://github.com/eProsima/AML-IP.git

3.2. Building the Docker image

Navigate to the Docker directory.

cd amnlip/docker

Build the Docker image.

docker build -t amlip --no-cache -f Dockerfile .

3.3. Using the Docker image

3.3.1. Instructions to run an already built Docker image

# Run docker image
docker run --rm -it --net=host --ipc=host amlip

3.3.2. Instructions on how to build it

# Build docker image (from workspace where Dockerfile is)
docker build --rm -t amlip -f Dockerfile .
# use --no-cache argument to restart build